SD Jones Memorial .500 Record Teams league

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League News

Welcome to your Private League! This page serves as a hub page for your league. You can see games in progress or that have been recently finished, current and upcoming series, as well as a list of all teams and owners in your league.

If you check the Leauge menu, you can navigate to league standings, teams stats, league leaders, and the league schedule.

Before your league starts, check out the Dynasty League Baseball Roster Rules.

OK you've Managed the great teams and hoped results would come off your card.

You've Managed the worst teams and hoped results would come off their cards.

Now it's time to manage the OK teams

This league consists strictly of teams that had a record from two game under .500 to two games over .500

73-75 to 75-73 with a 154 game season

80-82 to 82-80 with a 162 game season

162 game season with limited interleague play 1 day per week.

18 in your division
12 outside
3 vs corresponding opposite league division

DL in AL no DL in NL interleague depends on the park.

Can you make an avg team a champ? Let's find out!

Current / Upcoming Series:
League Injuries
Teams In League
1957 Baltimore  Computer Manager
1957 Philadelphia  Computer Manager
1967 Pittsburgh  bill r. (NH)
1967 Washington  Computer Manager
1973 Houston  Computer Manager
1973 Minnesota  Josh P. (Woodbury, MN)
1973 New York (A)  Computer Manager
1975 Cleveland  Nicholas M. (New York, NY)
1975 New York (N)  Computer Manager
1975 San Francisco  Computer Manager
1975 St. Louis  Computer Manager
1982 San Diego  Computer Manager
1993 Boston  Dom Carden (St. Paul, MN)
1996 Cincinnati  Justin P. (Toronto, ON)
1998 Chicago (A)  Jim S. (IL)
2000 Colorado  Computer Manager
2005 Toronto  Computer Manager
2007 Los Angeles (N)  Computer Manager
2010 Detroit  Stanley Olszyna (WAKEFIELD, MA)
2010 Oakland  Computer Manager
2012 Arizona  Computer Manager
2017 Kansas City  Fred Abboud (Ralston, NE)
2018 Los Angeles (A)  Computer Manager
2018 Washington  Peter I. (Fitchburg, MA)