All Pathetic 96+ Loss League 3rd Season

Games In Progress
Recently Completed Games
League News

Welcome to your Private League! This page serves as a hub page for your league. You can see games in progress or that have been recently finished, current and upcoming series, as well as a list of all teams and owners in your league.

If you check the Leauge menu, you can navigate to league standings, teams stats, league leaders, and the league schedule.

Before your league starts, check out the Dynasty League Baseball Roster Rules.

This league will be a 16 team league consisting only of really bad teams that meet one of these three criteria

Lost 96 games or more in a 162 game season
2. Lost 95 games or more in a 154 game season
3. had a winning percentage under .400 in a 60 game season (2020).

12 games in division 4 3 game series
8 games out of division 2 4 game series
4 games out of league 2 2 game series

League will start when I hit 16 teams or middle of next month.

Playing Thursday Am and Saturday PM

Current / Upcoming Series:
League Injuries
Teams In League
1957 Senators  Joseph C. (Newport Beach, CA)
1969 Montreal  Computer Manager
1970 Kansas City  Chris W. (Lethbridge, AB)
1982 Cincinnati  Harry McGuire (Quincy, MA)
1993 San Diego  David Edstrom (Salamanca, NY)
1996 Detroit  Computer Manager
1997 Oakland  Fred Abboud (Ralston, NE)
2002 Milwaukee  Computer Manager
2009 Cleveland  Joshua M. (Sioux Falls, SD)
2009 Washington  Computer Manager
2010 Baltimore  J. Swithers (wilkes-barre, PA)
2012 Chicago (N)  Rufus C. (MA)
2015 Cincinnati  John M. (VA)
2019 Miami  Mike S. (New York, NY)
2021 Pirates  Peter I. (Fitchburg, MA)
2021 Texas  Computer Manager