Owner: Dom Carden (St. Paul, MN)
Next Scheduled Game

Last Played Game

vs2010 Oakland

L 2-4

Saturday, 12/4 10:13 PM EST

Box Score Play-By-Play

Team Injury List
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League Home Page

From the home page of your league you can view games in progress, see recently completed games, and simulate games (commissioner only).

Team Info

Welcome to your league! You can view your next scheduled game and last played game on the left. On the right are the standings for your league.

The drop-down menus above have selections for League Standings, Team Stats, your Game Log, and your Team Schedule.

Before your league starts, check out the Dynasty League Baseball Roster Rules.


American League, East

Auto Pilot

Auto-Pilot will allow your opponents to play games against your team whenever they want against the computer manager. If you set up a profile, the computer manager will use it when managing your team.